Understanding & Achieving UN Sustainable Development Goal # 3 : Good Health and Well being
(image source: https://www.globalgoals.org/goals/3-good-health-and-well-being)
Good health and well-being are the two main and important factors in developing a healthy and sustainable society. The United Nations aim to pledge a healthy life and prosperity for everyone by establishing the third sustainable development goal. It means all the factors contributing to diseases, illnesses and an unhealthy life will be minimized.
The Significance of Good Health and Well-being:
Good health and well-being are the basis of a thriving and flourishing society. With diseases and illnesses, people can never reach their full potential. They will no longer contribute to the development of society or be able to live their life fully. Whereas, healthy people lower the burden on healthcare systems and the medical resources remain conserved.
1. Basic Right of Every Individual:
The right to good is the basic and fundamental right of everyone. It means that essential health services and medical treatment should be accessible to everyone regardless of any type of discrimination or hardship. It is obvious that good health is directly related to the conditions of living, nutrition in food, access to clean water, sanitation and safe working conditions.
2. Health is proportional to productivity:
A person who is healthy and fit will be more productive and will contribute more in everything it does as compared to a person who is suffering from some illness or disease. It means that healthy people are required for the economic growth of a country.
3. Decreases Social Unrest and Increases Stability:
Lack of medical resources at the time of emergency and need create horrifying social unrest. People can't see their relatives suffer from medical conditions only due to a lack of medical resources. The condition may go out of control if there are deaths due to either negligence or lack of essential medical resources. It means that the provision of health resources is directly linked to social stability and it decreases social unrest in society.
4. Promotes Sustainable Development:
Sustainable Development Goals such as education, sanitation, access to clean water, and no poverty are interconnected with good health and overall well-being. By achieving good health and well-being in society, it will be easier to achieve other related sustainable development goals and establish a sustainable world.
The Roadmap to Achieve Good Health and Well-being:
Because a large number of people are still deprived of Good health and well-being in this world, it will be a challenging task to achieve this sustainable development goal. Yet, there are steps which can be taken to successfully accomplish this goal.
1. All people should be provided equal healthcare facilities regardless of any discrimination or financial hindrance.
2. The healthcare systems should be made strong and compatible to cater for the needs of the patients as per any kind of emergency circumstances. Medical and paramedical staff should be trained regularly.
3. Awareness must be created in the general public regarding infectious diseases and seasonal viruses. Preventive measures and first aid practices should be demonstrated using television, print and social media.
4. Regular surveillance should be done for infectious and contagious diseases. Modern technology like data analytics and machine learning must be utilised to analyze the rate of spread. This will help us to prevent the disease from spreading and take preventive measures.
5. More investments should be made in the research and development of vaccines and treatments of viruses and diseases. The overall medical infrastructure should be made strong.
6. The nutrition, immunization, vaccination and other medical needs of mothers and their children must be addressed to reduce the mortality rate.
7. Mental health awareness should be done as this is the need of the hour. Counselling and guidance sessions must be arranged in schools, colleges, universities and workplaces. Training and seminars should be arranged for the general public to end the stigma attached to mental health treatment.
Where are we standing?
International health organizations including the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) have contributed a lot to counter illnesses and diseases and promote good health and overall well-being of the people, especially children. Significant steps have been taken. We have observed a reduction in mortality rates and the spread of infectious diseases worldwide but still, a lot has to be done by international institutions and organizations.
Many countries have launched their national health programs to improve healthcare facilities and to make healthcare accessible to all people especially those who are poor and living in rural areas. But still more investments should be made in this regard.
Many national and international organizations are now collaborating with each other to bring forward efficient healthcare solutions. Especially with the advancements in Artificial Intelligence and its impact on healthcare, we are now more educated, equipped and prepared to provide healthcare.
Our Role in Achieving Good Health and Well-Being:
1. We must adopt a healthy lifestyle and engage in regular physical activities to remain physically fit and healthy. We must be conscious of our diet and always take a balanced and nutritious diet.
2. We must educate ourselves and others around us regarding good health whether it is physical or mental. This can be done by sharing information about healthy lifestyles, disease prevention, vaccination etc.
3. Adopt a lifestyle that not only nurtures our physical health but also our mental health and wellbeing. Avoid all those practices that cause you stress and anxiety. Do meditation and yoga or whatever gives you mental satisfaction and relaxation.
Thank you for reading.
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